Slow stitching is in! let's get started! a

Slow stitching is in! let's get started! a

my very first quilt was slow stitched. By slow stitching I mean all hand pieced and hand quilted. It took two years. My cat Shreddies helped me every step of the way. 

Because Two years want enough slow stitching I mad another quilt that took a year and a half. 

Recently I decided to add slow stitching to my latest quilt but in cross stitching form. I was inspired by the work of Chawne Kimber.

Also my Buddy Peter Byrne is participating in the slow down Phenomena.

Slow stitching is the perfect time to try out some new threads like Aurifils 12wt or Valdani's 8 weight they add texture that you can't get with regular thread.

I hope you give it a try.


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