So you believe you can't sell quilts? Who says?

So you believe you can't sell quilts? Who says?

You may have seen them in stores or online, spotted at craft fairs or flea markets. Handmade quilts are works of art and a popular item among shoppers. But many makers of quilts feel too intimidated to try selling them, believing that there is no market for handmade quilts or that the competition is just too fierce. That's simply not true. With the right marketing strategy and dedication, you can make your handmade quilt business a success. In this blog article, we'll explore how you can get started selling quilts and build your brand from the ground up. We'll also touch on important topics such as pricing strategies and how to attract new customers through social media. Read on to learn more about making money with your handmade quilts!

Why people don't believe they can sell quilts

There are a few reasons why people might not believe they can sell quilts. Maybe they don't think their quilts are good enough, or they don't think there's a market for quilts. Maybe they're just not sure how to go about selling them.

Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that there are people out there who are interested in buying quilts. You just need to find them and let them know what you have to offer. There are a few ways to do this, like setting up an online shop or exhibiting at craft fairs.

If you're worried about not being able to sell your quilts, take some time to research the market and figure out what you need to do to make your quilts more appealing to buyers. With a little effort, you should be able to find plenty of people who are interested in buying your quilts!

Where to sell quilts

The quilt market is a large and ever-growing industry with many different avenues for selling your quilts. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

1. Online: There are many online platforms dedicated to selling handmade goods, such as Etsy and eBay. These are great places to list your quilts for sale, reach a wide audience, and get started in the quilt-selling business.

2. Local craft fairs: Check out your local community for craft fairs and other events where you can sell your quilts in person. This is a great way to meet other quilters and build up a customer base in your area.

3. Quilt shops: Many brick-and-mortar quilt shops carry products from local makers, so inquire about selling your quilts at your favorite shop. This can be a great way to get exposure to new customers and grow your business.

How to market quilts

Many quilters don't believe that they can sell their quilts, but with the right approach, you can market your quilts and find buyers who are willing to pay for your work. Here are some tips for marketing your quilts:

1. Take professional-quality photos of your quilts. Good photographs are essential for selling quilts, so make sure to take pictures that show off your work in the best light possible.

2. Write clear and concise descriptions of your quilts. When potential buyers are looking at your quilts online, they should be able to quickly and easily understand what they're seeing. Be sure to include information about the size, colors, patterns, and materials used in each quilt.

3. Set realistic prices for your quilts. Quilting is a time-consuming process, so make sure to price your quilts accordingly. Research similar items to get an idea of what others are charging for similar products.

4. Promote your quilts through social media and other online channels. Use hashtags and post links to your listings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. You can also create a website or blog dedicated to showcasing your work.

5. Exhibit your quilts at local art shows or craft fairs. This is a great way to get exposure for your work and meet potential customers in person. Make sure to have business cards or flyers available with information about where people

How to price quilts

When pricing quilts, it's important to keep a few things in mind. First, the time and materials that went into making the quilt. Second, the market value of similar quilts. And third, what you feel the quilt is worth.

Pricing a quilt is not an exact science, but there are some guidelines you can follow. To start, consider the cost of materials and the time it took to make the quilt. Then, research similar quilts on the market and see what they are selling for. Use this information to come up with a fair price for your own quilt.

Of course, the final decision is up to you. You may feel that your quilt is worth more or less than what the market dictates. But by taking all factors into consideration, you can arrive at a fair price for your beautiful creation.


Selling quilts is a great way to make extra money and showcase your talents. With the right marketing strategy, product knowledge, and customer service skills, anyone can be successful in selling quilts. It's important to remember that all it takes is hard work and dedication in order to succeed. As long as you take the initiative and believe that you can do it, success will come! if you are interested in more focused work on selling quilts consider joining my Quilting and Crafting Mastermind here.

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    I would like to partner with another quilter in my region, Sacramento/Roseville, CA to sell on Etsy. I have about a dozen modern, cotton quilts I’ve made from designer fabric collections (such as Lori Holt). Please contact me at if interested.

    Kathryn Riggs

    Good 👍


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